Helen Thomas Ask The Jewish People to Leave Palestine

Helen Thomas, a 89 year old White House Reporter, ask the Jewish People to leave Palestine, because the Palestine belongs to Palestinians. Not Israel, German, or Poland.  The Jews just go to their home in Germany, Poland, and America.

For her bravery comment, Helen Thomas was forced to resign by the Jewish Lobby. She lost her job for a brief comment.

Well, don’t forget to remember Helen Thomas for her bravery to speak the truth…

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GAZA: The New Killing Field – Israelis Kill US, British, and Palestinians

The Israelis killing US Citizen Rachel Corrie, some British volunteers, and of course Palestinian women and children.

Israelis try to kill Gaza People with hunger by blockading Gaza. Gaza is just like a New Giant Concentration Camp!

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Video Rachel Corrie, 23-Year-Old-American Killed by Israeli

At the age of 23, Rachel Corrie was full of life. At the age of 23, she was a senior in college ignited by a passion for justice. At the age of 23, she traveled to the Gaza strip as an activist for peace. And, it was at the age of 23 that Rachel Corrie knelt to the ground wearing an orange fluorescent jacket as a 9-ton Caterpillar bulldozer came toward her, knocked her down, crushed her with its blade, ran her over, backed up, and ran her over again. At the age of 23, Rachel Corrie was loved by family and friends who would never see her radiant life again.

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Video Israel Attack Humanitarian Aid in Mavi Marmara Ship. 20 Volunteers Died!

Once again Israel soldiers show their barbarity. They attack humanitarian aid in Mavi Mara ship in a mission called “Freedom Flotilla.” At least 20 of volunteers died while many injured (death toll maybe rising).

But Israel office once again try to fool the world by saying they only defend themselves. Unarmed humanitarian aid ships in International water and the Israel soldiers storm the ship from war helicopters with guns in their hands. Yet, just defend themselves, said the Israel officer in front of TV worlwide.

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